Welcome to the Browns

I hope you like the small updates and pictures of the family. I was exicted to find a way to keep family and friends updated on things.

Hello everyone.

I am hoping I can keep this somewhat updated. Who knows how that will really turn out. Right now we are at the end of Jan. 2007. I can hardly believe we are already a month into the new year. Taylor is doing very well in school. She is little miss smarty pants. I love getting back her assignments with all correct on them. Not that I would love her any less. She got asked to join the special math class. They work on stuff that completely surprises me! She is only a second grader for crying out loud. We just went to a pizza bingo night at school with my mom and Ricks parents. It was a lot of fun. Gavin, well what can I say about Gavin. He is quiet the character!! He surprises me everyday with something new. Rather it be an action or something he says. Lately he has been running around in his batman costume from halloween. While he can through the best of tantrums, he can also be so sweet and loving. He is my cuddler. Both the kids are skiing. Taylor has been for sometime now and LOVES it. I love and dread at the same time to hear her stories and the end of her ski days. She can hang with the big boys and discovered she loves the rails in the terrian park. I threatend my brother who is 17 to be smart when it comes to skiing with her. Gavin is just getting the taste for it. He loves it though. While I am excited for both of them, my nerves are also a little shot worring about them. Rick is busy as always at the ski hill. He doesn't get to play as often as he would like. He gets stuck indoors for the most part fixing everyones problems. He is kind of the man up there. As it is a joke up there "He is kind of someone important." Which is true, but there is a funny story behind the saying. He is also out of town a bit here and there for different things for the mountain and his postion on the ski assocation panel. Me just staying at home. Nothing exciting on my front. Just trying to keep sane. Most of the time though I feel like I am going insane. Well I guess that is all for now.

Easter 2006

Easter 2006
Are they not the cutiest? I miss Gavin's curly hair. Even though he got called a girl a lot!!

Taylor looks scared

Taylor looks scared
This was a really cool display at the science center in Seattle.

Oh no watch out!!

Oh no watch out!!
Rick and the kids. Scorpian bait

sum 06

Grandpa's plane

Grandpa's plane
The kids were so excited to ride in granpa's plane! Taylor started getting sick so she fell asleep. Gavin fell asleep right a way. So much for exciting.

hungry goats

hungry goats
petting zoo Oct. 06. The kids loved feeding the goats!


The phoenix zoo oct.06. Gavin had to make a funny face

Hungry Clam

Hungry Clam
Don't they look like they would make a great meal?

Rick and I

Rick and I
Rick's black tie affair for work. We go every year.

New truck

New truck
Our new addittion to the family. Oh, the kids are cute too!


My beautiful geshia and cute batman

The crew

The crew
My kids and my neice and nephews


We finally put to use the snow I am getting sick of.

Trying to look good

Trying to look good
An unexpected family photo

Thanksgiving helpers

Thanksgiving helpers
They wanted to wear the aprons to help grandpma with dinner.

The clan

The clan
ski season 06

Gearing up

Gearing up
Gavin the soon to be skiing fool

Cool Gavin

Cool Gavin
Gavin's signature pose

Say Cheese

Say Cheese
They are going to love me for posting this one

So cute

So cute
My two and cousin Katelyn

Beauty Queen

Beauty Queen
She loves to pose for the camera

Let me out

Let me out
Logan is a crazy driver. Gavin looks like he needs help.

Senior Picture

Senior Picture
My good lookin brother

Snow Dance, Rick and I

Snow Dance, Rick and I
Prom Pose

Grown up prom Nov 2007

Grown up prom Nov 2007
Lovely girls

Friday, November 16, 2007

It has been way to long since I have logged into this and updated it. It is Nov. 16th 2007 today. Not much has changed in the Brown family.
Taylor is in 3rd grade now and has gotten fab reviews from her teacher. She is doing very very well. Gavin started Pre-school in October and also is doing very well. He amazes me with all the new stuff he is learning and shares with me. I do not think the kids got their smarts from me. ;-)
Rick is still doing his lawn business but also transitioning over to the mountain job. Again the start of a long winter. The kids are excited of course because that means skiing!!! Taylor may even get to start snowboarding. I am already a nervous wreck when it comes to them skiing, they are both a little fearless. It may be a good thing that I can not even keep up with Taylor skiing because I would probably crash because I would be to busy watching her and telling her to slow down. Me I will make it up but I hope to do the X-country skiing and my snowshoes.
As for me, nothing exciting. I kind of tend to loose myself in being a mom and wife. I am not sure I know who I really am. I have recently changed gyms to one closer and have really enjoyed that escape. I now have 2 days with 2 1/2 hours to myself and if I am not working out, I am often at loss as to what I want to do.
I guess that is all I really have to say for now.